11420 Matzke Rd, Cypress, TX 77429, USA
Sept 2025
Maranda Curtis
Nona Jones
Dr. Jacqueline Flowers
Naomi Raine
Megan Ashley
Jerry Flowers Jr.
Amberly Bell
Tanisha Flowers
The Conference
Two Days of A Life Changing Experience
19-20 Sept. 2024
Beginning at 10:00 AM
A conference like no other-Woman Be Whole! Whether you are a CEO, professional woman, a parent, a homemaker, married or single, God has predestined you for greatness, for wholeness, for freedom! Life’s events may often blur our vision and rob us of hope for a brighter future. No matter the challenges of life, the disappointments and often the pain, this conference will empower, equip and educate you. It will enable you to rise above the challenges of life to enjoy a successful future. The conference sessions will catapult you into a greater understanding as to who God created you to be and how to navigate difficult seasons in life. You don’t want to miss this powerful time wherein women from across the globe come together to worship, to pray together, to fellowship, to network and to prepare for the greatest future ever! Woman Be Whole promises an atmosphere of healing and restoration. This is your conference! You must be there! *All Ticket Sales Are Non Refundable